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The countdown is officially on for #BackToSchool! Class will be in session (whether that’s in-classroom, online, or hybrid) in a few short weeks and we thought what better way to get in the school spirit by compiling a list of all the ways TickTalk can help you ease back into class mode (because we don’t know about you, but we definitely need it).

Ease Back To School Anxiety

While some kids are excited to go back to in-classroom learning, some are anxious about the transition (not to mention the stress some of us parents are facing). Back To School Anxiety is an issue many families are facing and has been written about by the likes of Johns Hopkins Medicine and  Cedar Sinai. So how can TickTalk help with easing this anxiety: 

  • Keep the lines of communication open with your child to make sure they feel comfortable and safe (and know you are a quick call or message away if they need anything)
  • Get back into old routines by setting Alarms for earlier wakeup times and Reminders to organize their backpack or set out clothes for the next day
  • Get your child excited to see their friends and classmates by using FaceTalk video calling or setting up a group message in our Secure Messaging Center
  • The Army & Navy Academy had a great tip we loved which was the 333 rule. When your child is feeling anxious or overwhelmed: 1) Look at 3 things, 2) hear the sounds of 3 things, and 3) move 3 parts of the body

Teach Task & Time Management With Reminders

Whatever learning style you are doing this fall, use Reminders to help you stay on task. Choose from default reminders (like catching the school bus, doing homework, organizing their backpack) or create your own custom reminders to use TickTalk like your own Virtual Assistant!

Help Your Child Focus With Do Not Disturb Class Mode

Worried about their smartwatch going off in class? Set your watch on Do Not Disturb Mode to stop any notifications from going through. Our favorite use? Use DND Mode for times when you need them to focus like completing that homework sheet or setting aside time to finish that summer reading (that still isn’t done yet).


Feeling better about Back To School? For a limited time, get $10 off your TickTalk 4 + FREE Power Base ($30 savings)! Simply add both to cart and savings will be automatically added. Or add on our All-In-One Accessory Bundle to get $40 off your order with TickTalk 4, Twists Wireless Bluetooth Headphones, Power Base and Chums Watch Charms or use code BACKTOSCHOOL to get 20% off accessory only orders.